SARA prevalence in Greece

“In Greek dairy herds, the prevalence of SARA was found to be 16% in cows with rumen pH ≤5.5. Factors like feeding regime, particle length size, ration composition, and housing type significantly influenced the presence of SARA”
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Subacute ruminal acidosis health effects

“Subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) in dairy cattle is linked with reduced efficiency of milk production, impaired cow health, and high rates of involuntary culling. It may be associated with liver and lung abscesses, laminitis, and reduced ruminal efficiency”
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SARA Prevalence Europe

“The prevalence of subacute ruminal acidosis in European dairy herds is around 20%, generating annual losses in the United States of approximately USD 500 million to 1 billion”
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SARA Prevalence

“Subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) prevalence in grazing Irish dairy cattle fed predominantly perennial rye grass-based pasture was found to be 11%, with 42% marginal and 47% normal. This raises concerns regarding effective pasture utilization and potential consequences for animal health”
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Economic Impact of SARA

“Subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) is a common condition in well-managed dairy cattle herds due to high grain and low fibre diets, leading to ruminal fermentation disorders and negatively impacting production performance and farm economy.”
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SubAcute Rumen Acidosis Effects

“Sub-acute ruminal acidosis (SARA) is a significant metabolic disease affecting high-producing dairy cows. SARA leads to reduced milk fat and protein production, increased veterinary costs, and a higher risk of culling.”
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