



Ketosis & Negative Energy Balance Control

Ketosis is a common issue in both the pre-calving and post-calving phases, often leading to problems such as decreased feed intake, poor fertility, and reduced milk production. Glycoline, a specially formulated mixture containing glucose precursors and essential gluconeogenic cofactors, serves as an effective solution. By reducing fat mobilization, preventing fatty liver, and curbing ketone production, Glycoline plays a crucial role in preventing ketosis and ensuring a successful transition into lactation.

Glycoline is designed to stimulate feed consumption by addressing ketone levels in the bloodstream and maintaining optimal blood glucose levels, both before and after calving.


Ruminants - Cows, sheep, goats, exotics
25 kg triple layer bag - 1000 kg pallets


Ketosis and Negative Energy Balance (NEB) are key concerns in dairy farming, especially during the pre-calving and post-calving phases. These metabolic issues significantly impact cow health and productivity.

Negative Energy Balance occurs when cows expend more energy than they obtain from their diet, with pre-calving cows facing elevated energy demands due to the transition from late pregnancy to early lactation. Fat mobilization plays a crucial role, releasing fatty acids converted into ketone bodies when energy intake is insufficient, leading to ketosis.

The consequences are notable: decreased Dry Matter Intake (DMI), reduced milk production, and impaired reproductive cycles. Preventive measures and proper nutrition are essential for managing these issues, ensuring the well-being of dairy cows and farm sustainability.

  • Pre-Calving Risk: Dairy cows are particularly vulnerable to NEB and ketosis before calving due to increased energy demands during pregnancy.
  • Fat Mobilization: In response to inadequate energy intake, cows break down body fat reserves, releasing fatty acids.
  • Ketone Body Production: The liver converts excess fatty acids into ketone bodies, such as acetone, acetoacetate, and beta-hydroxybutyrate.
  • Depressed DMI: Negative Energy Balance often results from depressed Dry Matter Intake (DMI), causing an energy deficit.
  • Depressed Milk Production: NEB can lead to reduced milk production as the cow’s energy is diverted away from milk synthesis.
  • Impaired Ovarian Cycling: Ketosis and NEB can disrupt the cow’s reproductive cycle, causing fertility issues.

The consequences of ketosis and NEB in dairy cows can be profound:

  • Health Issues: Ketosis can lead to various metabolic disorders, such as fatty liver and displaced abomasum.
  • Decreased Productivity: Reduced milk production negatively impacts farm profitability.
  • Fertility Problems: Impaired ovarian cycling can result in longer calving intervals and decreased reproductive efficiency.
  • Financial Loss: Treating and managing these conditions incurs additional costs for farmers.
  • Animal Welfare Concerns: Health issues can lead to decreased well-being for the affected cows.

Addressing these issues through proper nutrition, management, and preventive measures is crucial to maintaining the health and productivity of dairy herds.



  • Ketosis and Negative Energy Balance (NEB) pose critical challenges for dairy cows.
  • These metabolic issues are particularly prevalent during pre-calving and post-calving phases.
  • Effective management is crucial for cow well-being and sustainable farm operations.


  • Pre-calving cows are at a higher risk due to increased energy demands.
  • Fat mobilization and ketone body production result from insufficient energy intake.
  • This can lead to reduced feed intake, lower milk production, and disrupted reproductive cycles.


  • Ketosis and NEB often reduce milk production.
  • Longer calving intervals and decreased fertility can occur.
  • Vigilant monitoring and proper nutrition are key to managing these issues.


Reduce BEN

One of the foremost challenges in dairy farming is tackling Negative Energy Balance (NEB). Glycoline™ offers an effective solution to minimise NEB in dairy cows. By optimising energy utilisation and reducing metabolic imbalances, Glycoline™ ensures that cows maintain a healthier balance throughout their lactation cycle.

  • Significantly reduces the incidence of Negative Energy Balance (NEB).
  • Promotes better energy utilization, enhancing overall cow health.
  • Reduces the risk of metabolic disorders associated with NEB.

Increase Milk

Milk production is the lifeblood of the dairy industry, and Glycoline™ plays a pivotal role in maximizing it. With Glycoline™, dairy farmers can expect increased milk yields and greater profitability, ensuring that their dairy operations thrive.

  • Increase milk production, with higher peaks and more persistent lactation curves.
  • Enhances the quantity of milk, leading to improved Cost over Income over Feed Cost (CIFC) for dairy farmers.
  • Enhances the overall efficiency of the dairy herd.

Improve Fertility

Rebooting a cow’s reproductive cycle is vital for successful dairy farming. Glycoline™ offers a comprehensive solution by reducing the length of the post-partum anovulatory interval (PPAI) or calving to first heat. It also optimizes the cow’s peak milk production and lactation persistence while minimizing acute weight and body condition score (BCS) loss.

  • Drastically shortens the post-partum anovulatory interval (PPAI), ensuring a quicker return to fertility.
  • Enhances lifetime milk yield while preventing inefficient, overextended lactations caused by late conception dates within the yearly optimal cycle.
  • Effectively mitigates acute weight and body condition score (BCS) loss, ensuring healthier cows ready for their next reproductive cycle.

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